Wednesday, May 4, 2011

After One Month in California...

Ok so I'm a few days early, but who cares right?

I moved to San Jose on April 7th with very few belongings and my dog. I had big huge plans and hopes and dreams... and I am proud to say that I am accomplishing them all. I enrolled into the Marinello School of Beauty to become an Esthetician and I LOVE it so far. The students in my class are really cool, my professor is awesome, and I am interested in EVERYTHING we are learning. Its so refreshing to sit in class and actually want to pay attention! And I am currently trying to find a part time job to supplement my little bills. I'm hoping that will happen soon because San Jose is fucking expensive. But I see why... there are flowers everywhere. Green trees everywhere. There is a TON of stuff to do! Santa Cruz is literally a half an hour away and San Francisco is about 40 minutes. Great America is right up in Santa Clara which happens to be where my school is too. I LOVE IT HERE. <3

That being said, I would not be making this so well if it wasn't for William, Jess, and Richard. William was kind enough to share his space with me, Jess was kind enough to be my friend almost instantly and give me a spot in the shop with her, and Richard has graciously provided means of transportation for me. I am now riding a little 125cc scooter around but believe you me... that little thing kicks ass. It takes MAYBE 3 bucks to fill it and I am all over the south bay area. If I can get there without getting on a freeway, I am good to go. And it is so much damn fun to ride! The breeze, smelling all the flowers... Oh and I joined a gym! Yes, yes I did. My first day was today and due to my ankle, I couldn't do much, but I did ride five miles and it felt glorious...

I am meeting amazing people. When I say amazing, I mean AMAZING! I can't believe some of the awesome people that have just dropped into my life. I can't wait to have all of my awesome friends back in Arizona meet my awesome friends here. And I feel closer to Arthur now more than ever. He is everywhere here. I know he is with us in our home, watching over the four of us, knowing that we still love him and he was the first thing we all had in common with one another.

I miss you all you know. I may be having a really good run out here, but I miss you all very very much. I miss my shop, I miss my clients, I miss my family... but this was something I needed to do. I know I made the right decision because this feels right. I feel happy. I feel content. I feel like I am on the right path. I know that even though I caused pain, I did the right thing. I hope that down the road, everyone will understand it and accept it... because I am doing this for myself and I am not giving it up for anyone.
