Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Being Pierced and Tattooed Does Not Make Me Trash.

I am a body piercer. Its is my career, my profession, my art, and my life. I love what I do and I love the perks that come with it. Some of these perks include being able to collect tattoos from artists who do INCREDIBLE things using skin as their canvas, collecting piercings from friends in the industry, and hanging out with a REALLY amazing bad-ass crowd of people. These artists come from all walks of life and are really human beings... just like anyone else.

Sadly however, we are not usually treated like we are humans with feelings by certain people in society. People think its ok to judge us based on our adornments that we choose to decorate our bodies with. We are viewed as hooligans, felons, criminals, punks, assholes etc. and its depressing and wrong. So very, very wrong. I happen to know someone who is highly tattooed who, with his wife, took in recovering drug addicts and helped them get back on their feet. They did it with their own time, money and home. Or what about a friend of mine who is tattooed from head to toe who did those famous 56 stars on that girls face? Remember that story on the news? I can't even begin to tell you how nice that artist is... but notice how quickly people jumped to conclusions about him when a stupid girl ran her mouth.

I know that the mass of society is judgmental as it is towards anyone in general, but some of the looks and comments I have received because of what I do to my own body have hurt my feelings and taken down how I feel about people in general... which has never been very high in the first place. It doesn't help that I live in one of the highest ranked retirement communities and I constantly interact with the elderly either. I know they come from a different time and are "old fashioned" but what the hell ever happened to "Live and Let Live"?

Its not just the elderly either. I have had lots of curious looks and questions from children. I am enchanted and happy to talk to them until their parent takes a look at me and runs in the other direction with their kid in tow. They are teaching them to be closed-minded just like they are. Its a vicious cycle and I could stand on my soap-box all day and scream until I'm blue in the face... but it will never change. We thrive on thinking we are better than others. We feel we are better than others so we judge them and feel no shame. We teach our children to shun others who are different because we are scared of what we don't understand. But just because I choose to be be a living breathing canvas for artists does not mean I am a bad person.

However, this would be a depressing post if I didn't touch base on some of the amazing people I've encountered right?

I played a "magic trick" with my septum ring on a 4 year old in Petsmart while talking to her very kind mother. Her entertainment with my ability to hide my septum ring was adorable. I had an elderly woman fall in love with my sleeve because the colors were so beautiful. I have had an insane amount of kind and polite questions on my dermal anchors and how they are done. I have had countless compliments on all of my art and it gives me a nice, warm, fuzzy feeling inside. I can see the change. I can see the acceptance starting to outshine the hate and misunderstanding... I guess I'm just impatient. I wish more people would see that this is not going away. This is part of our evolution. We can modify ourselves so we can appear outside how we feel inside... and there is nothing wrong with choosing to do so. There are police officers with ampallangs, teachers with nipple piercings, doctors with tattoos hidden low on their hips... body modification is slowly creeping up in this world and I am so happy to be a main part of the revolution.

I will hold the door open for you at the store, even if you look at me like I am a freak. I will respond to your questions about my work with kindness even if you tell me that they are ugly or I would be "so much prettier" without them. I will give random smiles to strangers and watch my sailor-mouth in front of their children because believe it or not, I have a profound sense of respect. I am NOT trash. I AM a human being with feelings and hopes and disappointments. I feel love, sadness, despair, happiness and pain. I have a voice. I am a human. Just like you.


  1. This was BEAUTIFULLY written and so heartfelt! I can relate to each point you made and really appreciate you putting it all out there for others to read so that those both with, and without, modifications can learn from differing perspectives.

    I have always felt that you can use reactions to tattoos and piercings as a true indicator of character. Someone who would judge another based solely on appearance is not worth the time. Someone who looks at you from the "inside-out" - well, that's what it's all about.

    I recently had a very disheartening incident happen. I went to an orientation/training at my local library so that I could volunteer (not work for money - VOLUNTEER) 12 hours per week to teach adults who can't read to learn how. I was called by the administrator a few days after the orientation and told that unless I wore gloves and a turtleneck that I could not help people learn to read. I found it so sad. I am pretty certain that those who I might have taught would NOT care whether I had ink on my skin. Rather, I think they would be grateful that someone was willing to help them. But alas, that is the view of much of our society. It was a hard pill to swallow and still makes me very sad.

    It also makes me TRULY appreciate those who look past "appearances" (whatever they might be) and just care for others unconditionally.

    Thanks for having such a huge heart and such an open, beautiful mind!!
    Sending love, Jinxi

  2. That was beautiful.
    I have not yet started with my modding journey, as I am only 17 (but turning 18 this February were I'll finally be getting my septum & then on to my other artful mods :D) But you explained it perfectly, and for that I give you much blessings, and wishes of luck and happiness. :D

    Love & Thanks,
    Amber :)
