Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl... It Should Be a Holiday.

Ah, Super Bowl Sunday. What a glorious day.

This is a day when friends and family can gather and eat disgusting amounts of amazing fried foods and scream like a pack of rabid hyenas at the tv screen and NOT feel any guilt or remorse whatsoever. Its a beautiful thing. So in honor of this glorious day, I am now going to post a few of my favorite recipes (all fried of course!) for you to enjoy on this, or any other day of the year.

Deep Fried Dill Pickles- These are just fucking delicious. Seriously. I've had spears and chips and I gotta tell ya, the chips are a much better option. They are easier to eat and they cool down much faster.

Crab Cakes- Um, hell yeah! Give me some tartar sauce and some lemon wedges and I'll nom some crab cakes. Just go easy on the onion yeah? Don't wanna overpower the amazingness of the crab...

 Deep Fried TWINKIE- No words are necessary here. Just know that if you can find a raspberry compote to dip it in, yer in for a heavenly experience.

 Deep Fried Pepperoni- I didn't include a recipe cuz this one is rather simple. They come out like delicious little chips of doom and taste great dipped in ranch.

 Deep Fried Mac and Cheese- This is the holy grail for me. Fried foods are a comfort food for most, and so is macaroni and cheese. Put the two together and BAM!... perfect chemistry. The only way to make this even better is to crumble some heavily smoked bacon and throw it in the mac and cheese before the frying occurs. Total perfection.

Now... I'm going to go cry because I'm trying really hard to cut back on my intake of these fried delights and writing this was utter torture.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday ya'll.

(go Steelers.) ;)

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