Monday, September 27, 2010

Emo = FAIL

(Let me start by saying this is my own opinion. I happen to have a few select "emo" looking friends and this is not directed at them. And if you do not like my opinion, you do not have to read it. And if you are seriously emo and this bothers you... get over it. Or go listen to The Used and cry about it. Make sure you have a tissue to catch all of that eyeliner streaking down your cheeks.)

My generation was pretty standard.

We dressed semi-normal (not counting the sagging pants of course, but it appears those will never go away). We didn't have boys walking around in girls jeans and shirts and we didn't have girls looking like they spray painted a dead lap dog and put it on their head and called it a hair style. We had our small handful of goth kids but we didn't have an army of  "ohmygod I'm going to cut myself and drink my own tears because my parents won't let me go to the Hawthorne Heights concert" kids.

I was out the other day at a very popular sporting/shopping district called Westgate. LOTS of people hang out there, so naturally, there are a ton of these emo-tards everywhere... and I started to notice something. The boys were wearing girls earrings. Not just any earrings, but big fairy-sparkly hoop fucking earrings... on both ears. Combine that with the tight pants, the tight shirts, the eyeliner and the hair falling in their face and you have the next stars of RuPaul's Drag U. I'm not kidding... they were these HUGE hoop earrings! The final kick to my brain came when I saw this kid... he was quite chunky and he was in a pair of bright purple tight-as-hell jeans, a tight bright blue shirt with neon green and pink writing all over the front, and these giant diamond crusted hoop earrings. His muffin top alone made me want to die... but seriously. Where are these kids' fucking parents? WHO LETS THEIR SON WALK OUT THE DOOR LOOKING LIKE THAT?! Where, for one, do they keep their testicles? How uncomfortable... honestly. These kids are supposed to be "trend setters"... the ones who don't settle for how society wants them to look... but they fail, because they all look the same.

You look like a GIRL. A pretty girl. I am convinced you have a vagina.

How many innocent animals died so you could put them on your head and call it a hair style?

The woe-is-me attitude sucks too. These kids are wimps. Life is going to kick them square in the face because they can't handle things like homework, their girl/boyfriend of two weeks dumping them, being grounded by their parents, and not getting what they want when they want it. 

Get a grip kids. Life sucks. Whining and crying about it doesn't do any good... it just makes the rest of us point and laugh at you.

(I found the images on the internet. If I infringe on any copyrights or anything, just let me know and I'll take them down)

1 comment:

  1. I whole heartedly agree, sierously I would kick them in the nuts but I cant tell the shes from the hes anymore.

    Yo' Man
