Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dammit Dog, Shut Up!!!

I know you have all had that neighbor with the dog (or worse, DOGS) that barks incessantly right? I'm not the only one to experience this outright rude phenomenon right?


Yeah. Our neighbors have TWO dogs and if they are outside and a LEAF blows across the yard, they freak out. Doesn't matter the time of day or what the supposed disruption is in their tiny little lives, they have to tell the whole fucking world about it. Guess what dogs? I don't care. I don't care that the bird is eating your food. I don't care that a car drove by. I don't care that someone walked by either. I don't care that your other furry idiot dog-friend just took a shit...I DON'T CARE.

And this makes me wonder... are their owners deaf? I know damn well if I can hear them in our house, they can certainly hear them in theirs. Do they just turn up the tv? How on earth do they sleep through that shit? I mean honestly, do they ever stop to think about their poor neighbors who are subjected to listening to their schizophrenic pooches? I know it makes ME want to tear out my hair when all I hear for the better part of an hour is "YIP! YIP! BARK!! RUFF! YIPYIPYIP!"... so why, I ask, does it not do the same for them? I know DAMN well they hear their freaking dogs... but they do nothing about it. Thats just rude. Really, really, really rude.

Apparently, they make this birdhouse with a sonic thingy inside of it. You set it up close to your neighbors yard, and when the dog starts to bark, its sets off the sonic thing and shuts the dog up. I may have to invest in one of these because honestly, I'm ready to march into that yard and punt those obnoxious little canine twats all over their yard.

Or I'll just stand in our backyard at 3 am and start barking like a maniac every night until they get the hint. It will be cheaper... and possibly more effective. Hell, maybe my roommate's dog Sydney will join in too.

(EDIT: This morning that fucking dog started up at 6:00 am... and continued until who knows when. Thank god for ear plugs.)

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