Saturday, October 23, 2010

Self-Reflection Time. Oh Goody.

I am full of inspiration lately. I have had some awesome ideas just pouring out of my brain and one of them just happens to be about me.

Let's start with the obvious: I am a total spazoid. I find myself excited by the smallest things and I'm not ashamed to let anyone in my general vicinity know about it. Doesn't matter if you are the person behind me in the line at the grocery store and I found the most amazing bag of fresh mushrooms on sale or if you are one of my clients sitting on our piercing table thats actually a gyno table from the 60's, I will tell you all about it with gusto. I am what many would call a "happy person".

I am also quite tickled by large events in my life. Concerts are a major one. I will remind my friends and co-workers weeks ahead of time that there is a show coming up and I am VERY excited about it. If there is a trip coming up, I focus on nothing else... but I pack the night before I leave because I truly am just weird like that.

I am, however, easily frustrated. I definitely have some anger issues which confuses me greatly. How can such a happy person become such an angry person? My hair is one thing that brings out my inner monster. I can't ever do anything cool with it. I see all of these girls with curls and bumps and froofy shit going on on their heads and I CAN'T accomplish it. And if I try and fail (which 9 times out of 10 I do) then my whole day is completely ruined by my lack of hair style savvy.

Driving is another thing that instantly rubs me the wrong way. I live in Arizona. There are an amazing amount of retirement communities here and we get an astounding amount of snowbirds too. Some of them drive like a bat out of hell and others drive like snail shit. Its extremely frustrating as I have a 16 mile drive and it takes me 40 minutes to get there because I have to drive through a sea of idiot drivers. I frequently can be seen at stop lights screaming my fool head off at the bonehead in front of me... or to either side... or behind me. But I'm not biased here. I have had many a run in with young drivers and they are just a flippin' stupid as the old dude in front of them.

Arizona is FULL of stupid drivers.

But lets stay positive here. I am an optimist. I try really hard to just find the silver lining of any situation and be happy that its not worse. I hate dwelling on the past as its nothing I can change, I can only learn from it so thats what I choose to do. I have a past that I am not proud of... but I LEARNED from it and I have not repeated my mistakes. Thats the important part. And I am grateful for all of my friends and family who put up with my neurotic behavior. The hair color, the body mods, the random angry outbursts and hormonal cry-fests.... they take it all and somehow they still love me. I don't get it, but I've learned not to question it because that just gets me yelled at.

And I hate getting yelled at.

So there. I told you if you wanted to know more about me to just keep reading my blog. See? I am holding up my end of the bargain. I rock. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Yes Taryn Lynn, you ROCK!!! (btw, the lack of hair style savvy...blame me, cuz I'm with you there!) <3 ~ Auntie Roo
